Thursday 11 November 2004

10 points for me!

Was alerted to Max's profile on nzdating dot com and sent him a message to let him know that I've been reading his blog (but didn't tell him he was the reason I started my own).

Of my own profile, he said "Hey sweetheartt - yours is the best most original and personal profile I've yet come across. 10 points on being you. Keep up the good work. Max."

He sent this at 2am, and after reading his latest entry, apparently he was on the piss all night, so who knows if he was telling the truth or not. Let us just assume he is, because hey, I'm a great person and any guy would be lucky to be with someone like me.

Yeah right!! :D

Spent the morning watching the service for this Unknown Warrior. I wish that when I died (in my past life) that I was given a state funeral, that would have been so cool. Perhaps I will marry into the Royal Family or something like that. I could become the first Asian Prime Minister of New Zealand? That way I would probably get one. Or just any Prime Minister of New Zealand.

*Adds it to my "do-to list"*

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