Monday 15 November 2004

To new beginnings

Is it not amazing when you can stay up all night just talking to someone and enjoy yourself?

Well, my weekend was a long one although thinking about it, it was just Sunday that was very long. On Saturday I didn't manage to sleep in after my night out because of the whole Melbourne thing that day and amazingly enough I managed to stay up until 4am on Sunday morning. Went out for coffee (although I had to settle for a 'chocolate milkshake' as Jake from Gloria Jean's described it. I wonder if they actually did do ice chocolates like I asked, but was in too tired a mood to comprehend what was going on) surrounded with very good company.

I would say that my mantra used to be 'surround yourself with positive people'. Supposedly we all work off each others vibes and when we are surrounding kick ass people, they would rub off on us. Well this past weekend I have been doing just that. I also met someone who I have previously known in a past life so that was really cool!!

I'm going to take one day at a time now while still keeping in mind that looking forward is a good thing as well. And I should try to reminisce times of good feelings - when you've had lots to drink and your bed is the comfiest place on the planet, the way having Listerine pocket pack strips are like being tripped on acid, when it's stormy outside and you're sitting infront of the fire toasting your marshmallows (or with a lighter if you're outside at Britomart). Good times.

I want to get back into my photography. But for some reason I just can't - it's hard to get out my manual 35mm SLR and take photos when I have my digital camera at hand, ready to easily manipulate the images to my liking, or trash them at my disgust. Perhaps I should just stick all my images on my wall like I've been planning to for a while - I'll have to do it tastefully though; no blu-tak or nails to hammer my portfolio this time. Well, that's something to think about anyway.

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